Forest Farming for the 3C future
Forest Farming for the 3C future: working with drought
Rains are varying throughout the tropics. This 2023 has been a sobering reminder to all of us working in the field that the rains will be ever more episodic in the tropics and that our systems must adapt and respond to these variances by placing a far greater emphasis on hydric planning, water conservation in the field, water storage systems and the increasing incorporation of species that are local and drought tolerant.
1- Perennial Forest Structure
2- Grow Local
3- Climate Alliances
4- Plants for Biomass
5- Plants for Hyric Capacity
The challenges are indeed great, but the talent and creativity that is rising to these challenges is equally as great.
Throughout the tropics — what are the sources of hope but there is so much talent and time wizened plant genetics in the tropics. The more we adapt our systems to count on the drought and to respond to the hydric changes that we know are coming because we are living them in real time, the more we will be able to adapt to drought as production systems aligned and allied with a rapidly changing yet ever creative and abundant ecology.
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